Monday, May 2, 2011

Justice Has Been Done

“I heard they gunned him down squealing like a pig.”
For the innocents killed in Your name:
Lord, have mercy.

“Like a pig. They should have chopped him up like a pork chop.”
For blood that cries out for more blood:
Lord, have mercy.

"It’s about goddamn time, is all I have to say.”
For the gifts of a strong will and a sharp mind, corrupted by the man you gave them to:
Lord, have mercy.

“They should have decapitated him on YouTube.”
For the souls he led astray:
Lord, have mercy.

 “All right, America!”
For the righteous fury that rejoices at his death:
Lord, have mercy.

“Justice has been done.”
For this and every generation in our broken world:
Lord, have mercy.

Orlin Wagner, AP


  1. Thanks for posting this! May our Lord have mercy on his soul!

  2. “Faced with the death of a man, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibility of each and every one of us before God and before man, and hopes and commits himself so that no event be an opportunity for further growth of hatred, but for peace.” - Fr Federico Lombardi
